Everyday problems are legal problems- Churchill Neighbourhood House

Looking for legal support? Visit this information kiosk to discover local not-for-profit legal and family support services in your local area.
In person
In person
In person
In person
Past event
Past event
Everyday legal needs
Everyday legal needs
Family and relationships
Family and relationships
Legal information
Legal information

Event information

Looking for legal support? Visit this information kiosk to discover local not-for-profit legal and family support services in your local area. You’ll be guided through how to access these services, what to expect, and how to navigate the civil legal system to help resolve your everyday problems. This kiosk is run by Gippsland Family Law Pathways Network in partnership with Latrobe Community Health Family Safety Service, across the Latrobe Neighbourhood House network.

Presented by

Gippsland Family Law Pathways Network at Better Place Australia
Neighbourhood Houses Victoria
Churchill Neighborhood house
Latrobe Community Health Family Safety Service

Event recording

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Are you looking to build legal capability in your community? Prompted by findings from the Public Understanding of Law Survey, this event is a space to discuss how we can better meet legal need and build legal capability.

We’d like to thank the organisations whose generosity has enabled us to produce Victorian Law Week 2024.



22 May